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荀工 2023-05-19 01:15:04 0



1、Early Life and Career

Liu Dehua was born in 1961 in Hong Kong. As a child, he showed an interest in music and began singing in his school choir. In the early 1980s, he joined a singing competition and caught the attention of record executives. He signed with Capital Artists and released his first album, "I Can't Take It," in 1985.

Over the next few years, Liu became one of the most popular singers in Hong Kong, known for his powerful voice and energetic performances. He also appeared in several films during this time, including "The Romancing Star" and "Aces Go Places IV."

In the late 1980s, Liu began to focus more on his acting career, starring in hit movies like "To Be Number One" and "God of Gamblers II." Despite this success, he continued to release albums and tour regularly.

2、International Stardom

In the 1990s, Liu Dehua's popularity spread beyond Asia as he gained fans all over the world. His hit song "Ni Zhe Me Shuo" ("Why Do You Speak Like This") became a sensation in mainland China, and he performed it at the CCTV New Year's Gala in 1994.

Liu also gained a following in the West, where he was often referred to as "Andy Lau." He became known for his roles in action movies like "The Last Tycoon" and "Infernal Affairs," which was later remade by Martin Scorsese as "The Departed."

Throughout this period, Liu continued to release albums and tour extensively. He also founded his own record label, East Asia Music.

3、Personal Life

Liu Dehua has been notoriously private about his personal life throughout his career. He rarely discusses his relationships or family in interviews.

In 2008, he married Carol Chu, a Malaysian former beauty queen. The couple had been together for nearly 25 years before tying the knot in Las Vegas.

Liu is also known for his philanthropic work, particularly in the areas of education and disaster relief.

4、Legacy and Influence

Liu Dehua is widely regarded as one of Hong Kong's most influential and successful entertainers. His music and acting have inspired countless artists over the years, and he remains a beloved figure throughout Asia and beyond.

Despite his fame, however, Liu has remained humble and grounded throughout his career. He is known for his hard work, dedication to his craft, and kindness towards fans and colleagues alike.

As he approaches his sixtieth birthday, Liu shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to release new music and take on challenging acting roles, cementing his legacy as one of Hong Kong's greatest performers.





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