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2023-09-05 05:00:12 0

管道运输是利用直缝管道作为运输载体来输送液体或气体物质的长距离运输方式。它可以为市场运输石油、煤炭和化工产品提供服务,是统一运输网络中干线运输的重要组成部分。Pipeline transportation is a long-distance transportation mode that use


Pipeline transportation is a long-distance transportation mode that uses pipelines as transportation carriers to transport liquid or gas substances. It can provide services for market transportation of petroleum, coal and chemical products, and is an important part of trunk transportation in the unified transportation network.


At present, pipeline transportation is a new and economic mode of transportation. It is one of the five major transportation industries, along with aviation, highway, railway and water transportation. Pipeline transportation not only has the advantages of large-scale, fast, economic, continuous, reliable, safe and stable, but also has the advantages of less investment, small floor area, low cost, automatic control, etc.


In addition to being widely used for long-distance transportation of oil and natural gas, pipelines can also transport coal, building materials, chemicals, minerals, food, etc. Pipeline transportation can save the intermediate transportation links of water or land transportation, shorten the transportation cycle, save transportation costs, and improve transportation efficiency. At present, the development trend of pipeline transportation is that the diameter of the pipeline is increasing and the transportation capacity is greatly improved; Pipeline transportation distance is increasing; The transportation of materials has gradually increased from fluids such as oil, natural gas and chemical products to non fluids such as coal and ores.

凡是在化学上具有稳定状态的东西都可以通过管道来运送。因此,河北华洋钢管有限公司为内蒙古阿拉善塔木素供货了5900吨 L360N钢管,该项目总投资约230亿元,计划分两期建设,一期为340万吨纯碱+30万吨小苏打,二期为440万吨纯碱+50万吨小苏打。预计在2023年就可形成约200万吨左右的产能,实现销售收入约40至50亿元。

Everything that is chemically stable can be transported through pipes. Therefore, Hebei Huayang Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. has supplied 5900 tons of L360N steel pipes for Alashan Talin in Inner Mongolia. The total investment of the project is about 23 billion yuan. It is planned to build the project in two phases, the first phase is 3.4 million tons of soda ash+3 million tons of baking soda, and the second phase is 4.4 million tons of soda ash+5 million tons of baking soda. It is estimated that the production capacity of about 2 million tons will be formed in 2023, and the sales revenue will be about 4 to 5 billion yuan.


In addition, the safety of the pipeline is very important for the transportation of oil and gas – Huayang Steel Pipe Company will regularly inspect its pipeline and clean it with pipeline detectors.




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