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2023-10-24 16:59:36 0

TOEFL 9.13考试真题小剧场来啦,想要第一手、最新最全托福考场真题解析,记得锁定我们!今天给大家带来托福考场真题小剧场之—— Speciation物种形成篇。Part 1 考点概述Part 2 考点精析Speciation: 物种形成Speciation: 物种形成,又称为种化,是演化的一个过

TOEFL 9.13考试真题小剧场来啦,想要第一手、最新最全托福考场真题解析,记得锁定我们!

今天给大家带来托福考场真题小剧场之—— Speciation–物种形成篇。

Part 1 考点概述

Part 2 考点精析

Speciation: 物种形成

Speciation: 物种形成,又称为种化,是演化的一个过程,指生物分类上的物种诞生。


往往导致物种形成主要有以下原因:海洋、高山、沙漠等地理隔离(Geographical isolation);动物因求偶方式、繁殖期不同,植物因开花季节、花的形态不同等等。



阅读TPO 31-P1 Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations

阅读TPO 42-P3 Geographic Isolation of Species








地理隔离所形成的物种被称为异域物种,allopatric speciation形成。


节选自TPO 31-P1 Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations:

1️⃣Evolutionary biologists believe that speciation, the formation of a new species, often begins when some kind of physical barrier arises and divides a population of a single species into separate subpopulations. Physical separation between subpopulations promotes the formation of new species because once the members of one subpopulation can no longer mate with members of another subpopulation, they cannot exchange variant genes that arise in one of the subpopulations.

2️⃣In the absence of gene flow between the subpopulations, genetic differences between the groups begin to accumulate. Eventually the subpopulations become so genetically distinct that they cannot interbreed even if the physical barriers between them were removed.

3️⃣At this point the subpopulations have evolved into distinct species. This route to speciation is known as allopatry (“allo-” means “different”, and “patria” means “homeland”).

节选自TPO 42-P3 Geographic Isolation of Species:

In the formation of many species, the initial isolation of a population seems to have been a geographic barrier. This mode of evolving new species is called allopatric speciation.


One cause of speciation is when a barrier divides a population of organisms into two groups. Barriers either directly or indirectly interrupt the flow of genes within the population.


The most common ways, the introduction of a physical barrier, a geographic obstacle that ends up overtime to divide one species into two separate groups. As the barrier grows and forms, it becomes harder for the two groups change for mingle to the point that eventually they are only able to reproduce separately within their own separate routes. And they begin to develop their own unique characteristics after several generations, eventually evolving into two species.

配合题目:选自TPO 42-P3-3,Geographic Isolation of Species

Q:According to paragraph 1, allopatric speciation is possible when

A. a population contains all the different genes present in a species at a particular time

B. a population becomes isolated due to the presence of a geographic barrier

C. genetic mixing begins to occur in previously separate populations of a species

D. a species is successful in crossing a geographic barrier


许多因素可以在地域上隔离一个种群,例如地壳运动(crustal movement)、冰川移动(Glacier movement )等。某些山脉的出现会逐渐分离出一个只能在低洼的湖泊中生活的物种,某些鱼类可能就这样被隔离出来了。




节选自TPO 42-P3 Geographic Isolation of Species:

Many factors can isolate a population geographically. A mountain range may emerge and gradually split a population of organisms that can inhabit only lowland lakes, certain fish populations might become isolated in this way. Similarly, a creeping glacier may gradually divide a population, or a land bridge such as the Isthmus of Panama may form and separate the marine life in the ocean waters on either side.

节选自TPO 31-P1 Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations:

About 5 million years ago such geologic movements created the land bridge between North America and South America that we call the Isthmus of Panama . While previously the gap between the continents had allowed a free flow of water, now the isthmus presented a barrier that divided the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean. This division set the stage for allopatric speciation among populations of fishes and other marine species.




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