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2023-10-09 08:40:08 0

译者的话  后备母猪的初配日龄、体况、情期要求在业界已有广泛的共识,但第一胎母猪在哺乳期内是应该失重还是增重存在不同的看法,本研究从统计学的角度分析得出:从第一次授精到哺乳期间母猪增重越多,其受孕失败的比例就越低,且此期间增重情况会影响第二胎的繁殖性能--增加第一次配种以及哺乳期的体重可以优化第二胎
译者的话  后备母猪的初配日龄、体况、情期要求在业界已有广泛的共识,但第一胎母猪在哺乳期内是应该失重还是增重存在不同的看法,本研究从统计学的角度分析得出:从第一次授精到哺乳期间母猪增重越多,其受孕失败的比例就越低,且此期间增重情况会影响第二胎的繁殖性能--增加第一次配种以及哺乳期的体重可以优化第二胎的繁殖性能。详尽内容,请观《一胎母猪的增重及繁殖情况对其二胎繁殖性能的影响》。  一胎母猪的增重及繁殖情况对其二胎繁殖性能的影响(下)  Effect of live weight development and reproduction in first parity on reproductive performance of second parity sows - Part 3  L.L. Hovinga,b,∗, N.M. Soedea, E.A.M. Graatc, H. Feitsmad, B. Kempa  a 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学瓦赫宁根动物科学研究所(WIAS)适应生理学组  a Adaptation Physiology Group, Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS), Wageningen University, The Netherlands  b 荷兰Varkens KI Nederland公司  b Varkens KI Nederland, The Netherlands  c 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学WIAS定量兽医流行病学小组  c Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology Group, WIAS, Wageningen University, The Netherlands  d 荷兰猪遗传研究所(IPG)  d Institute for Pig Genetics (IPG), The Netherlands  关键词 Keywords:  窝产仔数 Litter size  受胎率 Pregnancy rate  繁殖性能 Reproductive performance  母猪 Sows  二胎母猪 Second parity  接上文...  讨论 Discussion  本研究的目的是量化二胎母猪繁殖性能之间的关系,重点关注妊娠失败的比例和窝产仔数与第一胎母猪体重增加之间的关系。  The aim of this study was to quantify the association between reproductive performance of second parity sows, focusing on non-pregnancy and litter size in relation to measures of sow live weight development in first parity.  二胎母猪的繁殖性能与泌乳期体重损失(Morrow et al., 1989; Thaker and Bilkei, 2005)和第二胎断奶到配种间隔(WII2, Vesseur, 1997) 等变量有关。有文献记录,泌乳期的高体重损失会降低随后胎次的窝产仔数和受胎率(Thaker and Bilkei, 2005),并延长二胎断奶到配种间隔WII2 (Vesseur, 1997)。  Reproductive performance of second parity sows is related with several variables such as lactation weight loss (Morrow et al., 1989; Thaker and Bilkei, 2005) and weaning to insemination interval in second parity (WII2, Vesseur, 1997). A high lactation weight loss has been reported to decrease litter size and pregnancy rate in subsequent parity (Thaker and Bilkei, 2005) and to increase WII2 (Vesseur, 1997).  在我们的研究中,二胎妊娠失败和窝产仔数与许多和体重增加相关的变量有关。然而,这些变量中的很多都是高度相关的,无法在多变量模型中分析。但当研究的目的是预测时,这并不是一个问题(Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989)。由于我们的目的不是预测,而是解读由因果因素引起的差异,我们也将讨论单个预测因素的结果。从这些数据中无法判断哪个解释变量在解读差异时最重要。  In our study many variables concerning live weight development were associated with non-pregnancy and litter size in second parity. However, many of these variables are highly correlated and cannot be analyzed in a multivariable model. This is not a problem when prediction is the goal of the study (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989). As our goal is not to predict, but to explain differences caused by causal factors, we will also discuss the results of single predictors. From these data it cannot be judged which explanatory variable is most important in explaining differences.



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